Sunday, November 13, 2005

Google Adsense and the IFA

By now you should have heard about Google Adsense - the advertising phenomenon that is taking the internet by storm. If you have a website you MUST have google adsense. All you have to do is sign up for an account which you can do easily by clicking the Google Adsense Banners on this page.

Once you have signed up all you have to do is add the code to your website and google will automatically add RELEVANT adverts to whichever web pages you choose to add the code to.

IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE!! - Just see the Google Adsense Banners at the top and bottom right hand side of this page!!

This is IDEAL for IFAs as "financial" adverts are currently attracting very high premiums. Some mortgage adverts for example will pay you up to $4 every time someone clicks on an ad'. There are many stories of people earning $50,000+ from Google adsense every month. Whilst this is unrealistic for the average IFA site due to lower visitor numbers is is VERY feasible to earn a few hundred dollars a month.

Put simply its CRAZY NOT to use Google Adsense - you don't even have to worry about competitive Ad's taking your visitors as you can filter out any advertisers you don't want to carry. DON'T worry anyway about losing visitors, the ones who are clicking these ad's would be leaving anyway so why not make some money out of them!?

Just click the Google Adsense banners at the top of this page - its FREE to sign up, easy to use and you have absolutely nothing to lose.

If you are REALLY serious - buy Joel Comm's ebook about
Making a Fortune from Adsense here - Joel is widely regarded as the #1 in this field, even TheAdsenseJerk recommends him.